Sunday, October 24, 2010


Reflexology is the systematic application
of pressure techniques to the feet and
hands. Research has shown the specific
techniques of reflexology to be effective in
many ways: creating relaxation, easing
pain and ameliorating symptoms of health

Whether you’re seeking a treat or a
treatment, luxuriating in relaxation or
addressing your health concerns, reflexology
can help. The long time traditional
practice has become a complement to medicine
as research has documented its effectiveness.
By choosing to use reflexology, you
take a step toward a fitter and healthier
you. Improvement in the quality of your
life is at hand. Try reflexology today—and
join millions of others.

Reflexology Chart

The reflexology chart mirrors
a reflection of the body
on the feet and hands, left
foot representing the body’s
left half and the right foot its
right half.
In reflexology practice,
technique is applied to the
relevant reflex area(s) to
prompt a change in the
related part of the body.
Research has demonstrated
such effects for several reflex
areas and their reflected parts
of the body.

What is the history of reflexology?

Around the world and throughout history,
reflexology has been rediscovered as a health
practice time and time again. Archeological
evidence in Egypt, China and Japan points to
ancient reflexology medical systems.
In the West, the concept of reflexology
began to emerge in the 19th century, based
on European and Russian research into the
nervous system and the reflex (think Pavlov).
American developments in charts and techniques
launched today’s reflexology. Most
recently, reflexology use has spread globally
with people all over the world seeking fitness,
health and medical results

Is there research in reflexology?

More than 170 studies of reflexology's
effects have been conducted with 90% showing
a positive result. Effectiveness was demonstrated
as symptoms were ameliorated for
health concerns stemming from tension (e. g.
elevated blood pressure, anxiety, constipation,
headaches, labor times for the pregnant)
and pain relief. Further responses (e. g. for
those with asthma, diabetes, cholesterol,
incontinence) were found to require an
appropriate number and frequency of sessions.

How Do I Get Results?

As you consider how to get results with
reflexology, consider what you’re seeking
and how to focus on the reflexology solution.
Is it self-help, at-home help or professional
services that will achieve your goal(s)? A
reflexologist serves as a resource ready to
educate and help with such decisions

What are the benefits of reflexology?

As proven by research, the benefits of
reflexology include:
• relaxation
• pain reduction
• amelioration of symptoms for health concerns
• improvement in blood flow
• impact on physiological measures (e. g.
blood pressure and cholesterol; measurements
by ECG, EEG, and fMRI)
• improved post-operative recovery and pain
• enhancement of medical care (e. g. diabetes,
phantom limb pain, and hemodialysis patients)
• adjunct to mental health care (e. g. depression,
anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder)
• complement to cancer care (pain, nausea,
vomiting, anxiety)
• easier birthing and post-partum recovery.

How does reflexology work?

Pressure sensors in the feet and hands are
a part of the body's reflexive response that
makes possible the “fight or flight” reaction
to danger. Feet ready to flee and hands ready
to fight communicate with the body's internal
organs to make possible either eventuality.
The sudden adrenal surge that enables a person
to lift a car is an example of this reaction.
Reflexology taps into this reflex network,
providing an exercise of pressure sensors and
thus the internal organs to which they are
closely tied.
The net result is that reflexology impacts
multiple mechanisms of the body, helping it
re-set tension levels, relieve pain, improve
blood flow, and create better communication
within the nervous system. One’s body, thus,
achieves a homeostatic balance, better able
to cope with the stresses of life.

What can I expect from a reflexology session?

During a reflexology session, the reflexologist
will apply pressure techniques to your bare
feet or hands. You’ll be seated comfortably in a
recliner or lying down facing the reflexologist. A
typical session lasts for 30 minutes to an hour.

How can reflexology help me?

Whether you’re seeking to relax, renew and
rejuvenate or to care for a recent or chronic condition,
choosing reflexology helps you take an
active role in your health.
From the moment the reflexologist’s hands
start their work, the relaxation begins. Studies
show this to be true as well as demonstrating that
a reflexology session provides a respite from
both physical and mental aspects of stress.
Consider a series of sessions if you have a
health concern or if you’d like to help your body
work better. Such frequency and consistency
help the body do both.
“My feet feel like I’m walking on pillows” is
a comment frequently heard following a reflexology
session. Foot reflexology makes for happier
feet especially if they face a standing
profession or the challenge of finding comfortable
Feel good, boost your system and help your
body work better: you’ll leave your reflexology
session with a smile on your face and a spring in
your step knowing you’re on a path to wellness.

How long does it take to see results?

Research shows that
a single reflexology session:
• creates relaxation
• reduces anxiety
• diminishes pain
• improves blood flow to the kidneys, intestines,
and feet
• improves blood flow to parts of the brain corresponding
to the reflex areas on the foot
• decreases the heart rate and blood pressure
• increases oxygen saturation and lowers respiratory

Research shows that
a series of reflexology sessions:
Improves the body overall by helping every part
of it, for example:
• improving the functioning of the kidneys
(waste product removal, red blood cell level,
immune system)
• impacting the digestive system and relieving
constipation in children, women, and the elderly
• easing difficult urination for men and incontinence
in women
• easing PMS and menopause for women and
prostate problems for men
• creating changes in physiological measurements
of the pancreas.


Reflexology is a complement to medical care. It should not
be construed as medical advice or considered to be a
replacement for medical help.


© Kunz & Kunz 2010
, For more info, see www.reflexologyresearch.
com, Photo: DK Publishers